Great Azure Resources

 ☁️ Great Azure Resources ☁️

Qué es y para qué sirve Azure? - Caltico

📌 Azure Virtual Machines

📌 Azure Tags

📌 Azure ARM Templates

📌 Azure Cost Management

📌 Azure Resource Locks

📌 Azure Active Directory Basics

📌 Azure AD User

📌 Azure AD Groups

📌 Azure Point to Site VPN

📌 Azure Site to Site VPN

📌 More Azure Resources

📌 Azure Blob Storage

📌 Azure Blob Storage Lifecycle Management

📌 Azure File Share

📌 Azure File Sync

📌 Azure SQL Database

📌 Azure Database for MySQL

📌 Azure Database for PostgreSQL

📌 Azure App Service

📌 Azure Logic Apps

📌 Azure Kubernetes Service

📌 Azure Backup Using MARS Agent

📌 Azure Site Recovery

📌 Azure Application Gateway

📌 Azure Front Door

📌 Azure Web Application Firewall

🔷 Source :
👉 Sahil Hulage –

👉 GoLinuxCloud –


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